Nothing beats a summer retreat in the RV, and as warm weather settles in, RV owners are eager to enjoy their ultimate great escape. However, if you store your RV during cooler weather, it is important to check it out before hitting the road.
Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure that your RV is in the best shape possible for the summer season.
Get Air Flowing
Make sure to open all the windows and vents to air out your RV. RV’s that are closed up during winter months are prone to collecting musty odors. Give the interior a thorough clean and scrub out the sinks, showers, carpets, floors, cushions, and counters.
Inspect Batteries
Check all of your batteries for cracks and replace them as needed. Batteries that sit during storage are prone to internal leakage, which results in the electric current diminishing. Make sure that your batteries are fully charged before heading out. It is also recommended that you disconnect your batteries and clean out the connector with a corrosion resistant cleaner.
Check Tires
Inspect the tires for any holes and tears, and be sure to check air pressure. Tires with cracks need to be replaced, and tires in storage often lose air pressure. Tighten all of your lug nuts prior to beginning your journey.
Inspect Appliances
Gas appliances can be touchy when they go unused for months because gas can get trapped in the airline. In order to clear out the lines, turn on the LP tanks and light the stove. If any of the appliances aren’t working properly you will want to try to troubleshoot the problem or get them serviced by a professional.
Looking to repair your RV before the summer season is in full swing? Hemet Valley RV has manufactured aluminum and fiberglass siding for the RV repair industry since 1995.